Saturday, June 2, 2012

Touching below the surface

You've only gone so far.  You've only really just tapped the surface.  You need to dig deeper, explore further.  Don't hold back and don't limit yourself.  Let it all out.  Be the tiger and go after it.  Don't just think it.  The leopard, the wolf, the bear.  Attack it.  Become and attack.  Let those who question question.  They do not know they don't need to know.  If they did they wouldn't ask or need to ask or need validity.  You do the same thing and how do you feel?  You are not better but you do the same as them sometimes.  How does it feel?  You feel vulnerable and insecure.  Your depths are exposed for who you think they are and who you think you are sometimes.  Don't.  Stop.  Think clearly.  Take a breath; stand back if you have to.  You're getting there you just need to not only see it, but you need to walk it and they will see, then you will have no need for validity, approval.  Your decision is your decision.  It is now.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Because of the season ... and me

So my apologies may or may not have fallen on deaf ears. But what the hey. It was, is, because of the season. And me in it. that's why I carried on the way I did, and do. Prepo this. Will research and best our/my grammar and mechanics later. Making a point. It sure seems pointless to throw the rule book, but if the point was made so successfully with proper grammar merit there would be no apology and no discourse in the avoidance of the page structure.
So yeah, the season. And now it's all of them. Cause it feels like that time. Time to do something. More than positive, more than lasting, more than rewarding. Life fulfilled. God Bless. ~D

Saturday, February 27, 2010

And now, the apology

After some editing and explanation I just figured I'd come out and apologize for it all. Why not. . . So for my erratic rumblings of just not saving my words on to something else and losing one of the best briefest points in my writing history, while put so eloquently, I apologize. Ape. Apologize .... ape! Crazy ... LOL

A rant, brief calmness, then my point, which to some and even to me, becomes ... pointless

I’m getting fucking pissed. I just posted, ok I didn’t yet, but fuck! I never fucking come on here, literally and figuratively. And I had all this shit planned out and FUCK! I lost a bout a handful of lines that were pure poetry and fuck I close the god-damn tab after it transitioned into something else and forgot, if only briefly that I had my shit written in there. Can’t remember in my pissed-ness. Yes, I’m using free license in the English fucking language. Lesson learned, draft in Word or some other writing prog.

Ok so here it is again, and thanks for letting me vent and not reporting abuse, if you so please. I don’t know what it is about this time of year. Seems the only time I come in here is this time of year. I don’t know if it’s the thaw, for some of us (sorry we are kind of fortunate in New England this season compared to the rest of the U.S.), the change of seasons, the increase is day light hours? I dunno? But now through April, again here it is, that ever present “hopefully” that I cling to in big hopes that I come back here and write and write some more to no avail I’m away for a year or more and again pop up around this time. While my neurosis kicks in and I get the dancing shit jig going. Yeah!

So my point in all this venting garbage is this. I’m listing my favorite sites and blog sites. Right here right now, forthwith.

Now these are sites that maybe different from the norm or popular out there. If you already use them, great, if not, I think these sites base don the ease of use and chock full of information and what you can find deserve mentioning. And at the minimum, for me, I can keep coming back, makes changes if necessary as well. Happy safe surfing.
Last note I’ll even post relevant links on here to what I feel/believe are timeless and/or useful information to us all. Another, BTW, I removed the links on purpose. Thankee, ~D

June 2, 2012
Ok so since so much has changed and continue to change on the Web I have removed the sites below that were once there. They are still around as once were but the way the net is... wow! So I will post my best and favoritests of web sites somewhere on this blog and there are many. So say goodbye to the past dried up shit and say hello to the new media. The new creative, social, responsible, somewhat mistaken as expert, maybe, but so far beyond the box and looking at itself inward and everything else. Is what we tried to do in the first place. Let’s hope all our dreams, prayers, and wishes catches up to all of us and light us inside. Instead of the pessimistic and cynical rant that has accompanied up for quite some time. Love and live. ~D

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Droppings ... for now.

For all those who have made this country a mess. Without recourse, respect, and responsibility, I salute you. Your ignorance, arrogance, greed, and selfishness. May you learn from yourselves more than others. Turn inward and outward and give back. This year (2008) goes to you, now go and make amends, to all.